What is KoM ?
Kom is a former brazillian RPG server, with huge immersion and messy code.
Kom is being remade from scratch, changing many aspects of its gameplay. It will follow a very simillar line of the old-school rpg Ultima Online, with Zelda elements. It can be called a UO version in Minecraft, however many aspects of UO were tweakened to adapt to Minecraft.
The RPG game will be skill based, and non-gear dependant. Any players will be able to craft the best gears ever, and this wont affect so much the PvP capabilities (well, it will affect, but not that much).
The skill system is in development, and this is the current skillset:
Lumberjacking: Farming: Fishing:Minning:Blacksmithing: Alchemy:Taming: Bowcrafting: Engineering: Escavation: Enchanting: Poisoning: Lockpicking: Hiding: Stealth: DetectHidden: Swordsmanship: MaceFighting: Fencing:AxeFighting : Parryng: Tactics: Dodge: Resistance: MagicResistance: Healing: Chivalry: Magery: Spiritism: Elementalism: Wrestling:Meditation: Focusing: Archery:
Those skills takes from 0% to 100%, leveling up from 0.1% to 0.1% just like Ultima Online. Skills affect the chance of success for many actions such as crafting and harvesting, and power up many aspects such as damage or precision. There will be no stats (Strength, Intelligence, Dexterity).
No quest system has been planned so far. Its an OpenWorld exploration server. PK will be allowed, and Karma/Criminal/PK System will take place just like UO.
Dungeons are a bit differente from UO. Dungeons are more zelda-like, with puzzles and challenges, where you can get some unique items that allow access to some areas as well. From Zelda, we also grabbed the life system. Yes indeed, if you played any Zelda game you know what i am talking about, you will increase your health by finding Heart Containers ! Heart Containers will mostly be found in dungeons, and can be grabbed only 1 time per player, and they will increase your health by 2 (1 heart) forever. A maximum of 37 heart containers will be hidden over the world, and you start with 3 hearts, meaning any player will have a max of 40 hearts (80 life).
Another different aspect , is that in KoM you dont play alone. You can build anywhere claiming a guild land , in any wilderness. You may expand that guild land as much as your pocket sustains, but be-aware, no lands are safe in KoM. If other guild kills your guild members, they will get "Plunder Points" over your guild, and thieves can lockpick your chests, or leaders can claim your lands (if they have enought plunder points). So , basically, Guild vs Guild wars are betting theyr lands and treasures. Items in banks are safe tho.
Beta: This server is not even in Beta yet, as we are developing it. We are already very ahead of development, and many skills and systems are ready and tested. As soon we have a decent package of skillsets and systems, we will open the closed beta.
I probably stated here abou 50% of the project, missed many important things, but everything will be revealed in time.
Who are We?
We are , sadly, brazillians (yes, we dont really like being brazillian, sorry if you are brazillian and get offended but thats the truth) developers willing to make a different, international, quality RPG. We have a very vast background of minecraft development and we have our own servers in brazil, not worthy to mention. We are working to make an EPIC rpg.
Can i help this server ?
Yes you can. We will open for some alpha testers soon, so please comment the posts stating you wish to be an alpha tester. We only accept people who played UO for 2 reasons: 1 is to follow the servers ideas, and other, if you played UO, you probably are older and more mature. We will open donations soon to maintain our worktimes (we all do work besides this, as we gotta grab some food as well else we will die and wont be able to code). Donations are closed so far, and will open at the right timing.
ReplyDeleteis this project dead or still going? :)
Its iddle, sadly. It has many features already in code, some not even stated in this blog. However, sadly, its iddle cause i got no more guts to take it on alone anymore. :(
DeleteThat is sad :(
DeleteJust had the same idea with my 8 year old boy, that I wanted to combine my old school UO(played for 6 years) with "his" Minecraft(I've played Minecraft since first public beta). And looking at this project, it really looked like it was capturing the essence of the old awesome UO. What you need to keep going? Obviously manpower, but what else :) - Want to go on private mail or something?
I have no idea what it takes to develop Minecraft
Add me on skype, ziden66 or e-mail gabrielslomka@gmail.com
DeleteIt takes Java. Simply as that heh
It was a complex server being made. Not easy to build up a decent UO gameplay to minecraft environment, or at least, keeping up the concept.